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What I'm Listening To...

Month of February , 2011

Project 365 Day 365: One Minute To Midnight (The End)

31-12-10 And so the project comes to an end. I decided to finish on this, the sister image to the first image of my project. The difference between them is that I now understand exactly how to get the shot I wanted. On day one I took 30 images trying to get the exposure correct. This time I took 3 to nail it. That's a 100% improvement! Isn't it? There are too many positives to list about this project and the negatives are just to pointless to mention. I wish the best of luck to anyone setting out on a 365 in 2011.

Now the thanks...

Thanks to everyone who ever commented on any of my pictures on my blog or on flickr, you guys kept me going.

Thanks to my friends and family who put up with me carrying my entire camera collection everywhere!

Finally thanks to all photographers I have met and received inspiration from, both in real life and online.

Anyway that's me done. I hope you will take a look at the photoset of all my 365 images and let me know which one was your favourite.

Again. Thank you all.

Project 365 Day 362: Rain On Leaf

28-12-10 After our game drive we travelled back down the valley to Nyeri to stay in Outspan Hotel. Outspan is an old colonial lodge and is frankly amazing! Opulent 1920 style luxury in every 28-12-10 room. That afternoon we had a heavy rainstorm. The heavens opened. The next morning I found this leaf that still had the remnants of the previous days deluge on it.

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